Wonderful animal game with firm. Great animation and graphics with super Ui I must recommended this game to the animal lovers!
Wonderful animal game with firm. Great animation and graphics with super Ui I must recommended this game to the animal lovers!
The first version of this game was simple and fun. The added farming element is not welcome. The butterfly games would be fun, in theory, except the app does not register most tapping and there doesnt seem to be a difference between any of the games. In my opinion, the farm addition is a forced add-on to encourage micro transactions. I dont have time to check on this thing every twenty minutes, but if I dont, all these crops disappear forever, I run out of coins, and this dinosaur dies or runs away or whatever. Its rigged so that you immediately spend all your coins and have to purchase more or enslave yourself to checking the app every half hour. Not even the most fragile tamogatchi was that high maintenance. Youll waste less time buying your kid a real puppy or waiting for the mad scientists to clone that wooly mammoth they found in a glacier a few years ago.
Virtual ret my dinasour diva my virtual fried three extinguish game in one super
This game was amazing
This is not a 10 minutes game! You really have to take care your Dino. Build your own business strategy with farm. My is focused on producing and sale fertilizers. Perfect graphic!
My niece loves playing this game and just everything you can do in this.
My son is very much into dinos do this is a great hit with him
Kids will love it. Like the graphics. Nicely developed.
Congrats, now I cant stop playing
A bit too addictive to me, but hey, thats what the games are supposed to be about! My kid started playing it a few days ago and cannot stop. Highly recommended!
Its a fine game but it could be better. Things like couches and rugs and whatnot cost to much, my unicorn is very cute but for a while it was sick and overweight, i couldnt get medicine and the only way to nurse Lucy (my unicorn) back to health was to underfeed her, I feel that teaches the wrong lesson. I find this game boring yet strangley addictive at age 11. I think this game should have more fun games and things to do and everything should cost less money (exept the food). i think this gamereally deserves 3 stars but i felt generous and it is an okay game. Its good enough. I also i have the dino shes really needy but even with camp and my dad taking the ipad to work I have not trouble. I think that unicorns and dinos on the same decice should be able to interact and that unicorns and unicorns and dinos and dinos should inter act, cause my friend has a unicorn and I want mineto become friends with her. I think you should give this game a shot. It is really fun.
The actual interaction in this game is boring and generally pointless. There is zero engagement with the actual pet, you cant wash it, play with it. The tictactoe game is stupid easy to beat. Predictable and badly written. Money is ridiculously easy to earn, no consequences to over feeding, not washing, overall.. Just dumb.
Okay its a pretty cool app, but when not fed enough the pet send rude notifications such as "whyd you even get a pet? Certainly not to play with!" And more. I like the over all idea, but why are the pets so mean sometimes?
Its ok nothing marvelous. Its good for when you are bored.
Hello. I am .:.GameReporter.:. And my name says it all. I rate games, and place them on the charts - if theyre good enough. I am a video game critic. Obviously, this game is not even good enough to rate 0 stars. It shouldnt even have been made. It says 4+ in which should be 22+. There is an excess amount of profanity and cursing, rudeness, and obviously lack of effort from the makers. The graphics arent even good. Horrible and unacceptable. Nobody deserves to waster their time on such junk. And I use that word strongly.
I love my new dino! I want to keep him forever! If he dies,I will go rage! Add breeding!
It is so much fun.
well i thought the game was pretty fun and all, but no matter what i do it always ends up dying and im a busy person so i cant be on twenty four seven! i mean i have hockey all week and school all day so by the time i get on it is sick!! they need to make it where the life lasts longer then it would me more fun and they need to make it where u can wash it and interact with it.
This game was fun in the beginning but now just after a couple days of playing it,its so boring and when you dont play with it all day,it says rude comments. This is fit for children so they can have fun not to feel like they failed. This app should b deleted. Dont waste your time.
My pet died after 3 days Im only 9 years old do when it died I was heartbroken and I had to by a new one for 0.99 cents